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Mathematics and Data for Scientific and Industrial Modelling (MADSIM)

Mathematics and Data in Scientific and Industrial Modelling (MADSIM)

Join a community of postgraduate researchers focusing on mathematical modelling, AI and big data as well as engagement with researchers based in other departments or in industry.

Contact us

Get in touch with the MADSIM team.

Prof Stefan Güttel >>

Dr Geoffrey Evatt >>

Our aims

  • Encourage, through joint PhD project supervision, collaboration between different Departments in The University of Manchester, and engagement with industry;
  • Provide a community for our PhD students with common research interests more broadly than a typical close-knit research group;
  • Provide PhD students with training opportunities via internal seminars, journal reading groups, and participation in events such as modelling challenges or industrial problem events.

Apply to study with us in September 2023

We have a number of exciting interdisciplinary PhD projects available for a start in September 2023, or as soon as possible thereafter. All projects are full funded and come with a stipend.

Explore the list below and click on the "view details" button to learn about the supervisor and project requirements.

Current students, supervisors and projects

Discover more about some of the students that are currently working with us.

Students commenced 2021 - 2022

Sammy Ayoubi
Project: Control-based exploration of disordered systems in a Hele-Shaw cell
Maths supervisors: Alice Thompson
Eternal supervisor: Anne Juel (Department of Physics and Astronomy).

Daniel Ball
Project: Artificial intelligence and advanced modelling for ground penetrating radar
Maths supervisor: Oliver Dorn
External supervisor: Frank Podd (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering)

James Casey
Maths supervisor: Simon Cotter
External supervisor: Tom Shearer (Department of Materials)

Peter Castellucci
Project: Hybrid mathematical modelling and uncertainty qualification for underground hydrogen storage systems
Maths supervisor: Igor Chernyavsky
External supervisors: Lin Ma (Department of Chemical Engineering) and Radha Boya (Department of Physics and Astronomy)

Oliver Graham
Maths supervisors: Bill Lionheart
External supervisor: DSTL

Suzie Huang
Maths supervisor: Paul Johnson
External supervisor: Department of Mechanical, Areospace and Civil Engineering

Callum Jackson
Maths supervisor: Andrew Hazel

Ayana Mussabayeva
Project: Learning chemical reactions from simulated and measured data
Maths supervisors: Stefan Guettel, Kody Law, Matt Thorpe
External supervisors: Igor Larosa (Department of Chemistry)

Alban Bloor Riley
Project: Inverse eigenvalue problems in spin spectroscopy
Maths supervisor: Marcus Webb
External supervisors: Mike Baker (Department of Chemistry)

Bunlang Thatchai
External supervisor: Thomas House
External supervisors: Termeh Shafie (Department of Social Sciences) and Chris Overton (UKHSA)


Students commenced 2020 - 2021

Georgia Bradshaw
Project: Spectral methods for inhomogeneous radiation chemistry
Maths supervisor: Marcus Webb
External supervisor: Fred Currell (Department of Chemistry)

Anna Gavrilova
Project: Intracellular transport in neurons
Maths supervisor: Sergei Fedetov
External supervisor: Victoria Allen (Division of Molecular and Cellular Function)

Shing Kwong
Project: Novel mathematical models for understanding the evolution of birdsong
Maths supervisor: Mark Muldoon
External supervisors: Tucker Gilman (Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences) and Patrycja Strycharchzuk (Department of Linguistics and English Language)

Jessica Mackin
Project: ODE models of the cell biology of inflammation and apoptosis
Maths supervisor: Mark Muldoon
External supervisors: Mike White (Division of Molecular and Cellular Function) and Andrew Gilmore (Division of Cancer Sciences)

Mark Mesbur
Project: Multi-scale modelling of composite materials
Maths supervisor: Will Parnell
External supervisor: Paola Carbone (Department of Chemical Engineering)

Aidan Retallick
Project: Modelling graphene membranes for nano-electro-mechanical devices
Maths supervisors: Matthias Heil and Andrew Hazel
External supervisor: Aravind Vijayaraghavan (Department of Materials)

James Shemilt
Project: Modelling lung deposition of inhaled particles in cystic fibrosis
Maths supervisors: Oliver Jensen and Alice Thompson
External supervisors: Carl Whitfield and Alex Horsley (Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health)

Chung Tran
Project: Artificial intelligence and advanced modelling for ground penetrating radar
Maths supervisor: Oliver Dorn
External supervisor: Frank Podd (Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering)

Tianran Wan
Project: Multimodal data-based modelling for precision obstetrics medicine
Maths supervisors: Igor Chernyavsky and Oliver Jensen
External supervisors: Edward Johnstone (Department of Maternal and Fetal Health) and Hwee Kuan Lee (Department of Bioinformatics)